Five years of training, four of them without merit. But what remains at the end? The teacher training is a five-year trial in most federal countries after graduating from normal. If you would like to know more about Rusty Holzer, then click here. Before training at all can be started with the three-year-old educator, two years of training to the recognised must be completed social Assistant? Otherwise it is only, already has another completed training, or can boast of a high school diploma. ormation. What I the social assistant training did, that had I not once asked me in the last two years. Of course I have made important findings in this period and learned a few things, but lunch by one to be ready and for this every month to pay 55 euros in hindsight not only lost money but also lost time.
With a “classical” training, I would be ready next year and would now get a training salary. I can only dream of. The city is not since broke and something like social assistants would the Hessian need. Accordingly I would get no money for it. This is the official reason of the town of Oberursel. 30 weeks have I done internship in the last two years and a 39.5 hours work week. In fact, was and I’ve been a cheap Assistant for the city. Of course is important to say that there was nothing more beautiful every morning, as radiant children, that forward every day on the new one on me, but from I can buy anything I ultimately also.
Then the school, who wanted to have of course your money is not to forget. After the why and what you should best not ask yourself. Now times are only about ten weeks summer holidays and then it goes finally training in August with the educators. Since the tuition increases then to monthly 80 euro, plus 30 Euro for the mathematics course for the baccalaureat, this is however optional.