The Ears

Also, the tick by the squeezing is secrete toxins which can lead to dangerous side effects. Many people panicked, if they have been bitten by a tick. The reason for this is that is known to many, that ticks Gehirnhautentzundungen or Lyme disease can cause. But, in principle, it is not the tick that causes these or other illnesses, but the substances, the tick can transmit. If the person concerned with the dreaded Lyme disease has been infected, indicated by a circular reddening on the tick bite. This redness is greater remains pale in the Center causes no pain, and may involve a disease there.

Medically, a such disease can occur up to 16 days after the tick bite and show visible via the mentioned symptoms. Still should go to the doctor, if the itching on the bite is strong, burns or the place swells. Swelling of lymph nodes in the body can be dangerous. A doctor in this case and explain without delay when the tick has bitten where and when it has been removed. For the doctor to get proper information, note the tick bite and also the possible size of the animal. This is important for the doctor, ever Once the tick has been removed, the less is the risk of infection. Ticks bite likes warm and protected areas, can sit but also at leg or shoulder. No part of the body rule out this, because even behind the ears or in the head area and the hairline the animal can bite.

If you notice a few days after the bite symptoms, which feels like a flu, symptoms of tick bite can be also. Do not try with drug to cure them, but go to the doctor and to only mention the tick bite. You notice high fever, a stiff neck or headache, you need to vomit and feel very worn, call a doctor. This can be an infection caused by the bite of ticks. Protect yourself with suitable clothing against ticks. Even in the height of summer, you should put long pants woodland and meadow walks. In addition you should apply tick spray or repellent before and during the hike. You search for the hike to first children all over his body and then themselves.

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