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Integral Psychology

The Integral psychology, multidisciplinary therapy for living best PERSONAL growth do you think that you need to adapt to new demands? Personal growth is the main objective pursued by the integral psychology, based on a multidisciplinary approach to personality. Develop and strengthen our psyche not only is a therapeutic path, is a prophylaxis to live better, carry out our work with creativity and overcome the setbacks with greater fortitude. The sense of bewilderment that we live on many occasions and the sisnsentido with which we face our vital routines, reveals an estrangement of our deepest desires. For even more details, read what GNYCUC says on the issue. A society of contingency, rapid changes and the certainty of not being able to design a destination or a life in the medium term plan, produces us a vacuum that we dragged without it can be filled with certainties. This space is that the self has left and that can only be filled with a reworking of our consciousness.

COMMUNICATION staff do feel that you do not value as you think you are? The communication is the instrument that builds relationships with our family, professional and social environment. Kevin P. Campbell, PhD shines more light on the discussion. Understand how we communicate is to understand how we relate to others.It is an important source of self-knowledge to improve our way of being in the world and interact with our most intimate and social environment. FAMILY mediation would like achieve harmony at home and learn to listen? Paradoxically, those people that they are nearest us are also those that most problems are intensifying. Family mediation is a discipline of reorientation of relational discourse that allows progress in the resolution of conflicts without resorting to aggression and in a manner in which everyone wins. Consultation of integral psychology of Begona Cerezo Mata, sociologist, a social psychologist and anthropologist. C/Jordan 3, Madrid.

Mental Maps

Tell me and I will forget, show me and you might remember, involve me and I will understand. The scope can not be denied, impact of the mental map provides those who are identified with their advantages and use it toward goals to meet. What is a mind map? What is it used for? How to use them? what are its characteristics? They would be some questions that are derived from their relevance, importance. Mind map takes into account the way as the brain collects, processes and stores information. Its structure records a visual image that makes it easy to extract information, write it down and memorize the details with ease. Wikipedia reminds us, that a mental map (mind map in English) is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked and arranged radially around a keyword or a central idea. Is used for the generation, display, structure, and taxonomic classification of ideas, and as domestic support for the study, organization, solution of problems, decision-making and writing.

It is a diagram of semantic representation of the connections between portions of information. Presenting these connections in a radial, non-linear graphical manner, it stimulates a reflective approach to any task of organization of data, eliminating the initial stimulus to establish an intrinsic conceptual framework appropriate or relevant to the specific job. A mind map is similar to a semantic network or cognitive model but without formal kinds of links used in constraints. The elements are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts and are arranged in groupings, branches or areas. The graphic formulation can help memory. The definition of mental maps in these words could be summed up. Graphic representation of a comprehensive process that facilitates taking notes and effective reviews. Lets unite, separate and integrate concepts to analyze and synthesize them, sequentially; It is a growing and organized structure consisting of a set of images, colors, words, that integrate linear and spatial thinking modes.


The Bates method was developed to help school-age children to absorb more knowledge without stress and force his eyes. Today is used by many people to improve eyesight naturally. Dr Bates learned that the worst habits and eye problems begin in school age children. Children have a natural curiosity to learn new things. However, when subjected to too much material and are forced to memorize much uninteresting information, the mind gets tired and eyes begin to tighten. Similarly, analyze new information causes stretching the eye to be able to store it. Throughout the day the children are forced to absorb new material, either them or not interesting. You are not given the possibility that your eyes to relax and rest.

It is there where the Bates method comes into action. The Bates method is really quite simple. He created a large table of common forms and letters. The table was placed in the front wall of a classroom, and motivated children to see the table when they feel AWE. Just look at the table three minutes a day removed the tension of the eyes. The Bates method was implemented in some few schools and teachers noticed a vast improvement in concentration and in progress. Eyes could relax, and tension has been deleted.

Unfortunately, the school Committee felt that the method was too dissolute, and was removed from practice. In fact, China is the only country that teaches students training for vision. The Bates method can be used by anyone. You can create your own table and place it in your Office. Note the table several times a day, stop your eyes to relax and relieve tension in your eyes. Train your eyes to relax will help you improve the view today, and for the rest of his life.

Consumer Apple

The first thing you need to do: rest and liquid diet. There is a wide variety of foods to which recourse from that body begins to accept solid foods. You must not resort to medication. The news about gastrointestinal infections are bacterial (e. coli, salmonella) or viral (enterovirus), have begun to fill pages of newspapers in recent weeks. Read additional details here: COVID-19. Some, such as salmonella, become real threats to health each summer. From Consumer proposed a series of tips for those suffering from an infection of this type (whose symptoms range from sudden nausea, urge to vomit and diarrhea, stomach discomfort, weakness and malaise and, sometimes, fever).

In principle, the dietary treatment in all cases of gastroenteritis is simple: rest, fasting, astringent, no fiber diet abundant in liquids (apart from water are advisable isotonic drinks or) oral serum). Liquid diet: different solutions must begin with complete rest and a liquid diet since the first moment without recourse to drugs (except if required to lower the fever). You should drink plenty of fluids to help eliminate the germs from the body and at the same time, prevent dehydration. Water with lemon (there is more enjoyable than water alone to whom), digestive or relaxing (Chamomile, fennel, lemon balm, tila or lemon verbena) infusions, fruit without pulp juices, oral serum or isotonic drinks are some options. If the nausea and digestive discomfort persist, it helps take small sips of soft drink without gas.

First solids as they disappear vomiting and diarrhoea may pass to the intake of foods such as yogurt with Bifidobacterium. You should choose a diet of astringent character and without residue (without fiber). Swarmed by offers, Oxford COVID Vaccine is currently assessing future choices. To reduce the amount of fiber you should choose to avoid vegetables, fruits, legumes, dried fruits, dried fruits and whole grain products (muesli, bread, rice, pasta). It is also advisable to increase the amount of foods rich in pectin, a soluble fiber with astringent cto: Apple grated and obscured (rusty), cooked PEAR, mashed boiled potatoes, quince and ripe banana. Foods with astringent properties: the tannins are a few compounds in certain plants and fruits (especialente in Apple and Quince) with anti-inflammatory properties and dried and diminish the intestinal mucosa. Type breakfast menu: one or two yogurts fat with Bifidobacterium and a reposado tea (at least 3 minutes). Apple or roasted Apple Compote. Lunch: toasted bread smeared with quince, abundant liquid (tea, water, isotonic drink). Food: white rice with pumpkin, carrots and onion. Chicken breast grilled with lemon. Toasted bread and digestive infusion. Snack: toasted bread with banana. Yogurt with Bifidobacterium. Dinner: soup with carrot and Leek semolina. Ham omelette. Toasted bread and digestive infusion.