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Know the units of coexistence provided that we work in the social area is relevant, for several reasons:-If you are e.g. social Integrator or you work with groups at risk of social exclusion, it is important to know what resources are in each community to meet the needs of different users. -Because we all belong to some sort of unit of coexistence. Are what we talking about when we refer to the units of coexistence? The students of the training cycle of FP social integration know it well, because they have a course that covers this subject extensively. By definition, units of coexistence are a collection of groups with common characteristics aimed to create harmony, especially favouring tolerance and reciprocal exchanges between the people who form it and also share residence. I.e., a unit of coexistence is the set of people who live together, United by kinship, affinity of some kind, or even friendship. Coexistence units can be grouped into two categories:-those created by their own free will, for example, the family, the roommates – those created by the company to meet certain needs of people; Thus, we can find within this category the homes for the elderly, day centres, houses of shelters for minors or women as we mentioned at the beginning, for a social Integrator, is necessary to know and manage concepts related to the units of coexistence. For example, it is important to know that a general level in the State territory, we find the following resources: residential centers residential centers or residences, of temporary or permanent stay, are aimed at exercise as a substitute home to people who, due to his problematic socio and economic or to a situation of disability, can not be assisted in their family environment or not can live independently.

Day resource centres to facilitate attention during the day to those dependents who need continuous attention. (from 8 in the morning to 8 o’clock). Include maintenance (breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack), they are provided with rehabilitation services, medical and psychological care, physical therapy, adapted transport have a double objective:-attend the dependent person through care and therapy appropriate to their needs – allow that these people are met when nobody can take care of them from their nuclear family. It offers family rest for a few hours. Homes sheltered tutored dwellings being implemented from the public administrations as a nearest model, simple, less disintegrator, and more economical than the residences.

They are intended to facilitate the development of personal autonomy and social integration of the users in an environment standardized, from aid favouring activities everyday, organizational and relational. All homes are equipped with equipment and services necessary for people who enable them, both accommodation and food, and social support. Its maximum capacity is usually 10 people. Foster homes are residential centers whose goal is the host temporarily and urgently to individuals, families or groups in situations of social difficulty.