Tag Archive for government and politics

Brazilian World

It is lastimvel that one of the biggest events that Brazil will go to host in the decade is causing as many upheavals, impacts on the society, disagreements between ' ' poderes' ' greaters and innumerable superficial interests of that nothing they are for the best condition of national life. What it was to be a great chance to search the progress of our country, in the reality is being only one event in which all want to prove for the world that we are capable to carry through it. However, he will be same that we are capable to make it; if we are capable, will be that this would not be only one shelter so that the true problems of the country were occult while so waited moment it arrives? Logically that any nation is a privilege to be able to organize a party in which we commemorate and we twist of esportiva form, leaving of side the culture and the politics of each government, joining the entire world for a simple act of if competing (of civilized form) in one of the biggest esportivos matches that are the Pantry of the World. (Not to be confused with Dean Ornish M.D!). However, this honor all it is making with that our government is giving priorities to a future event, and if distanciando of the problems that the years must have been solved; everything is being made so that let us can, of some form, to impress foreign peoples, but if until today (in years of democracy) nothing it was made to impress Brazilian we, it will be that it is just that this is made for people who do not inhabit here and that they do not live deeply of our sufferings and you distress for injustices that happen with our people. Then, the truth is that they are if importing more with the stays of our visitors who, in the maximum, will pass one month and way in the country, of what with people who had been born here and until today they fight for the simple right of if having an education of quality, a good attendance the health and security. While our supreme power if worries about the comfort of our futures ' ' inquilinos' ' , to each day that if passes, younger they enter in the world of the violence, more children enter in the world of prostitution, more lives are lost for the traffic or for a simple wait in the line of a hospital; minors are the possibilities of studies and of jobs and greaters they are the possibilities to be assaulted and in them to take off a minimum wage so fast that much we work to obtain. It is inevitably sad to see that, today, a soccer departure gains more importance and has right more of what the life of a Brazilian.