Smeltzer Small

The subclvias veins and internal jugular vein understand the veins central offices and comumente are used by doctors. To gain access to these vases allows to the administration of solutions hiperosmolares for being veins of thick bore. However, perigos are many and can include the inadvertent entrance in an artery or pleural space. Smeltzer and Bare, (2004) agree that in ideal way, the hands and the arms must previously be inspected with attention the choice of the specific small farm for the venosa puno that does not intervene with the mobility of the customer. All saw, prevents then the antecubital puno in fossa, except in last case.

The small farms of first choice are the distais veins of the hand and arm, way that In view of these factors then apply the bell crank after and, the professional palpa and inspect the vein, this must seem firm, elastic, ingurgitada and rounded off, no-indurada, plain or full of lump. The arteries are placed next to the veins, of this form the vase must exactly be palpado for the arterial pulsation with the applied bell crank, and must it canulao of pulsteis vases. For Smeltzer and Bare, (2004) ‘ ‘ The insertion of a catheter on the needle demands the additional stage to advance catheter for inside of the vein after the puno venosa’ ‘. According to Smeltzer and Bare, (2004) after the preparation of the professional, the choice of the type of device and the small farm for the puno, must be prepared this intravenoso small farm. Before the preparation of the skin it is recommendable to ask to the patient if it denies not the allergy to the latex or iodine, generally used products in the preparation for therapy.

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