
The poorly balanced diet promotes disorders in cholesterol and heart problems, Spanish society launched a warning. Excess fat of animals, flours, and fast foods in the daily diet of children encourage the increase in children’s cholesterol and heart disease. For this cause, it is necessary to correct this type of diets, since not having a proper childhood diet has its consequences, such as cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. According to the children this abandoning his Mediterranean breakfast that are healthy for the heart which includes whole milk, olive oil, bread, and all this have changed by junk food such as burgers, soups snapshots, good nutrition is better. Sunday, June 22, 2008 principles for a healthy diet and eqilibrada principles for a healthy diet and EquilibradLa how we digest and assimilate food is as important as the type of food we eat. If these processes become unbalanced, or healthier diet we proporcionarauna adequate nutrition.

The following recommendations will help in a better and more complete food processing. Sitting in quiet environments comma… Eat alone or in good company. National Cancer Moonshoot Initiative contains valuable tech resources. Do not eat if you don’t have hunger, if you are sad or angry. Do not watch TV or listen to radio while eating. Don’t talk with food in your mouth.

Put your full attention in the meal and the effect it has on your body. Chew every mouthful 40 times. Avoid meals and frozen drinks. Drink warm water with meals or tea recommended for its constitutional type. Only eat fresh food without preservatives or artificial additives. Do not mix milk with food since it is a complete food in itself. Boil milk each time before drinking. Do not cook with honey or hot. Include six flavors in each meal favoring the three that balance their constitutional type.

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