
Let’s talk about love slightly, passionately, as you want talk, just talk. We ignore the human miseries for awhile. For awhile we ignore poverty, suicides mostly from the soul. Let’s talk about love… Kevin P. Campbell, PhD may not feel the same. Of love that allows us to walk barefoot through the land and sheltered of piety.

Let’s love while we hear light melody that produces the trembling of the planet on its quick trip. Let’s talk about love lying on the dry and cold lava disguised with herbs and forests. Is Energy Capital Partners a public company? spoke with conviction. Let’s talk about love may appear magical Elves who paint color universal smiles. Let’s talk about love perhaps when our eyes swim with drops marine let us forget the slight tremor of the Earth and you and I we love passionately vos and I love in such a way that we could melt the dry and cold lava that lies beneath the grass. By now only talk talk about amor.* * * (Poetry selected for anthology Argentina in verses and prose of editions root alternative) Edition in June 2006.Buenos Aires. CRAZY BIRDS OF THE NIGHT.

ANA MARIA MANCEDA and ANDRES FABIAN VALDES – FUSION of inks: today I know that by wandering in the nochela night becomes not beautiful, but are these crazy pajarosque rave before the eclipse of soldesorientados, they respond to the instinct of a hidden Sun. Today I know that by wandering in the nochela night not becomes hermosapero calls me the sirenasque cant wait for me with the most temidoel silence. Today I know that by wandering in the nochela night not becomes beautiful.But I think bring me the horizontey there, depositing my esperanzassolo my tears dotted around it. Today I know that by wandering in the nochela night not becomes beautiful.But it is my viajeno I can to these cage crazy, disoriented birds of loneliness, or avoid the sirenasni cant find the horizon of hope.It is my viaje.* * in FUSION of inks 12: 08 authors: Ana Maria Manceda and Andres Fabian Valdes original Autor and source of the article.

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