
I have recently received some requests to talk about the issue of anxiety, because there not knowing the symptoms who are unaware that they are going through it. However I would like to go a little beyond just knowing what is, but how to cope with anxiety. In modern society have significantly increased cases of anxiety along with fear, anger or sadness, that all this is linked with the central nervous system. The symptoms of anxiety are very diverse, the most common are: continuous sweating, insomnia, tachycardia, an increase in breathing rate known as tachypnea, dilation of the pupils, feeling of choking or shortness of breath, tremor in the limbs, loss of control or of consciousness, muscle weakness, motor restlessness, difficulties for communication and even negative and obsessive thoughts, to mention the most easy to identify. It is worth mentioning that certain anxiety symptoms often resemble other conditions, such as cardiac arrhythmia or hypoglycemia. By It is advisable to undergo a medical examination to discard them.

In the vast majority of cases, the origin of generalized anxiety occurs when the individual believes and accepts being a weak, fragile or apprehensive person, i.e., that they affect external events or what is worse, those who are not sure but could occur in the future. You are constantly declaring a fear that feels and causes him anguish, fear and desire to flee, without identifying. All this boils down to fear that lives by his own insecurity and especially the way that internalizing and think about their problems. There are several types of treatments and therapies that have some effectiveness for people who suffer from anxiety and panic. These include: anti-anxiety drugs and psychotherapy cognitive-behavioral, this should be addressed by a competent and experienced psychologist.

Coping with anxiety, I recommend you carry out a confrontation and negative or incorrect beliefs change, I’m talking about those thoughts erroneous approaches you to believe you’re weak or fragile. I invite you to from this moment, you repeat I all can and have control of all of my situations. Here and now. Practice the technique to engage in auto talks positive, talk with you, recognize you all the achievements you’ve done throughout your life, you feel strong, productive, do not let you thoughts of weakness, nobody you can manipulate ever because only you have the domain. Learn more here on this. Original author and source of the article

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