Anesthesia Risk

Note that in determining the provision of anesthesia is not mentioned, let alone "anesthesia." Because, in my opinion Anesthesia is a component of a broader and more precise concept – drug intraoperative protection, which includes a comprehensive intraoperative intensive care which are key links analgesia, antifermentnaya, the metabolic protection of organs and systems, reopozitivnaya angioprotective multifactorial therapy, maintaining normovolemii and minimum voltage regulation system aggregate state Blood on the biochemical background izokoagulyatsii in continuous monitoring of the main vital organs and systems. Full and scrupulously correct execution of the program in perioperative medical protection provides early patient recovery. Preventive Medicine Research Institute does not necessarily agree. A surgeon and anesthesiologist (if the latter, of course, did everything correctly) – peace of mind and health for long without a heart attack. The next question, provoking the conflict in relationship, "the surgeon – the anesthesiologist," this definition of "risk of anesthesia." On the one hand everything seems clear. Since the development of modern anesthesiology is the destiny of the anesthesiologist. The definition of "risk anesthesia "with time changing. The process was initiated by the deepening of knowledge in public and private sections of anesthesiology, as well as the advent of anesthesia in the arsenal of new medicines improvement of facilities and equipment.

In the 60-90 years. the risk of anesthesia was defined as the probability of life-threatening intraoperative complications (or more complications) associated with the introduction of patient drugs for anesthesia or performing medical procedures. Such a determination at that time was absolutely right. The main logistical base, and this breathing apparatus and instruments for conducting anesthesia and patient monitoring, and medications were almost in their infancy. .

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