The Coach

The coach of this mode, nor advisable, neither thinks, acts nor promotes what seems to be that you can perform coaching, is the fact to unlock the potential of the person to increase their performance. From here to the ignorant, Jacques Ranciere master policy, there is only one step. (Ranciere j., the ignorant teacher, Editorial D’alertes, Barcelona, 2002). 4. The ONTOLOGICAL COACHING these statements about what is the Coaching that are defined mostly by what it is not lead us to the ontological Coaching whose principle of action seems to be the teaching without indoctrinating. This pedagogical principle, would say me almost antimetafisico can deduce the following motto of ontological coaching: how to learn.

This statement is intended to show how people and professionals in particular, must be permanently in situation of learning, learn new processes or methods of work, that in other environments has come to be called the ongoing training. A. difference of a classical social evolution, in which individuals passed through life, entering an institution and leaving it towards another but as if they were stages of evolution: from kindergarten to College, from the College to the Institute of the Institute to the University from the University to the company, under this systemic approach to coaching environment and more generallyabout education and training, appears the duty to resign or to leave mental models of behavior inherited from the classical tradition. I am referring to traditional values, how do / think about things. Between these new modes, opposed to the traditional, one might mention the make / think always asking for approval or permission, either from the teacher to the pupil, of coaching to the trained, etc. The Coach becomes a figure who does not speak from the pulpit, from the stage, nor from the Atrium, because he has nothing to say, nor nor nothing to teach, but it is question from the place of the no-verdad or better said a topoi where the truth or certainty are absent.

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