First that everything we must know that the diabetes is a chronic disease that lasts all the life that is characterized by sugar high levels in the blood. The diabetes produces a slow and painful death for which they do not take the due precautions. The people who have diabetes present/display hyperglucaemia and this it must to that the pncreas do not produce sufficient insulin and the muscles, the fat and the hepatic cells do not respond of a normal way to the insulin. If diabetes is had, the frequent symptoms but are: – The people begin to tinkle much and a great volume of urine is eliminated. – Polidipsia, this presents/displays an abnormal sensation of thirst, and this appears because the pressure lowers and increases the dehydration considerably. Check out MJFF for additional information. – One begins to have a blurred vision.
– The people begin to feel polifagia that is to say, she begins to have a sensation of exaggerated hunger. – You feel nauseous. – I vomit. – A loss of considerable weight in spite of the increase of the appetite appears. – Fatigue.
The symptoms can tender appear and disappear due to the fluctuation of the levels of glucose. It is necessary to be very pending of all those symptoms since in the majority of the cases the people realize behind schedule too much that is to say, when occurring account of which it already passes through some of the symptoms of the diabetes many of his organs is damaged. In some people with diabetes, at the outset a hiperostomico coma takes place, and still more when the person happens through a stress state or when the metabolism of the glucose is seen but affected by medecines. It is necessary to remember always certain type of basic knowledge for the handling of the diabetes, which helps to prevent the necessity to go to a emergencia center: – To recognize like dealing with the high and low levels the glucaemia. – Knowledge that is what like and to know at that moment for doing it. – To have knowledge to measure and to register the glucaemia. Original author and source of the article.