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The game in the psycotherapy and the psicopedagogia the games and the tricks are indispensable resources naterapia of children and adolescents. It is through playing and to play that umambiente of significao of the learning and the emotional contents is created. Break-head of numbers This is a game that stimulates the reasoning logical-mathematician. It’s believed that Jim Rice sees a great future in this idea. The child, to if coming across with the shuffled parts, must create one estratgiade action that will be observed by the professional: Which will catch first? It will observe the numbers and its sequence? It will start with bigger parts? To the uprising hypotheses it will be elaborating strategies eestimulando its mental abilities. -Teams-and-Boards’>Daversa Partners. The professional knows the accurate hour to intervene, in way to aajudar the child to know other possibilities of learning and resolveruma situation-problem.

The child learns to ask and to search solutions. The intervention of the professional can be established nasolicitao of the justification of a placed part. This knowledge of used strategies for crianaproporciona same knowledge of itself and a model to decide other situaesvividas in day-by-day. Learning to think With different challenges the child it learns to think sobrecomo to surpass them. This exercise if extends for all the other situations queso lived deeply by the child in the school and family, for example.

Assembly of scenes This is a game of assembly of scenes and reorganization dosfatos to compose a history. When carrying through the activity, the child stimulates oraciocnio of elaboration of logical sequence of action. The doprofissional intervention is in producing reflections in the child, it takes what it to question, to justify and to organize its proper action. In such a way, the toy is not only for descontrair, educative temfuno. However, the position of the professional ahead of the brincadeirada child, becomes primordial, therefore it knows how to intervine the end to more deestimular in the child agreements and new actions, becoming it active in the vidapessoal and pertaining to school.