Actinium comparison study: number of companies with incorrect tool selection is increased provider of BI tools Lindau Actinium criticized, February 17, 2009 – the introduction of business intelligence solutions (BI) the company is unchanged self-professed very demanding challenges. The assessment of the degree of difficulty has 2007 even in the comparative study of Actinium consulting over. It is also noticeable that more and more companies are recognizing wrong decisions when selecting a tool. This year’s survey nearly three quarters of respondents to log, that the BI measures taken so far are hard like, two years ago there were only two-thirds of the companies. “” Currently 40 percent called the requirements very high “and 35 percent as high”. Actinium Managing Director Klaus Huttl suspects that unchanged strategic weaknesses are the central cause of the multiple difficulties of the project. BI projects represent everything else due to their complexity as a trivial matter”, judge Hall. For even more details, read what Vet says on the issue. The potential pitfalls are equally diverse, because professional, technical and organisational conditions need to be merged.
But lacks a clear strategic purpose, it comes as a result to inadequate plans which markedly restrict the benefits of BI implementations.” Hall therefore recommends the company to present their draft strategy an experienced BI professionals, which may indicate its neutral views on possible weaknesses and potential for optimisation. He sees the benefit for this purpose in a more precise requirements analysis at the beginning of the BI project is assessed by almost two-thirds of the companies was not sufficient and has now negative effects. Two years earlier 8 percent expressed less responsible deficiencies in the requirements. But also with regard to their range of BI tools companies have meanwhile self-critical a still selbstkritischere position as the 2007 gifts before two years 46%, in retrospect considered they had no sufficient System selection is made, the dissatisfaction with the tool choices increased currently percent to a one-fifth on 58. Instead of deriving the selection criteria from the BI strategy, the strategy on the selected tools is to frequently cut”, problematizes Hallak. Initial consideration should be however always to avoid a technically dominated BI-orientation and to derive the performance profile for the tools instead of a strategic overview. Otherwise the tools generate considerable restraints, prevent the development of the potential benefits and instead limit the ROI of business intelligence investments or generate even expensive complications”, judges the Actinium consultant.
He sees the BI vendors but they are also not free of responsibility, therefore they should be considered through a critical lens. Is one of the major causes of frequent mistakes in the range of BI products, manufacturers often provide not the practice in the foreground, but with interesting features, fast Hall introduction cycles or integration arguments curl”, criticized. However, many companies would notice during the project realization that significant discrepancies between their needs and the possibilities of BI software. Also here is show that prominent bi-player are by no means always automatically to the success. Actinium Actinium Consulting GmbH is a 1999 based consulting firm headquartered in Lindau (Lake Constance) and Vienna, as well as project offices in Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Selm (Dortmund), and Graz. Areas of expertise are business consulting, business intelligence and business integration. The range of services covers all project phases from consultancy and evaluation about the design to the implementation. Customers ALPLA, Nokia, include, for example, Thyssen Krupp Nirosta, Ravensburger, Suddeutscher Verlag, T-systems, Krombacher, Austrian radio, Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group and many other well-known companies. Actinium Consulting GmbH insulation leg 2 88131 Lindau Tel.: + 49 (0) 8382-277-278-0 fax: + 49 (0) 8382-277 278-90