Tag Archive for hardware & software

Road Towards Business Intelligence

Actinium comparison study: number of companies with incorrect tool selection is increased provider of BI tools Lindau Actinium criticized, February 17, 2009 – the introduction of business intelligence solutions (BI) the company is unchanged self-professed very demanding challenges. The assessment of the degree of difficulty has 2007 even in the comparative study of Actinium consulting over. It is also noticeable that more and more companies are recognizing wrong decisions when selecting a tool. This year’s survey nearly three quarters of respondents to log, that the BI measures taken so far are hard like, two years ago there were only two-thirds of the companies. “” Currently 40 percent called the requirements very high “and 35 percent as high”. Actinium Managing Director Klaus Huttl suspects that unchanged strategic weaknesses are the central cause of the multiple difficulties of the project. BI projects represent everything else due to their complexity as a trivial matter”, judge Hall. For even more details, read what Vet says on the issue. The potential pitfalls are equally diverse, because professional, technical and organisational conditions need to be merged.

But lacks a clear strategic purpose, it comes as a result to inadequate plans which markedly restrict the benefits of BI implementations.” Hall therefore recommends the company to present their draft strategy an experienced BI professionals, which may indicate its neutral views on possible weaknesses and potential for optimisation. He sees the benefit for this purpose in a more precise requirements analysis at the beginning of the BI project is assessed by almost two-thirds of the companies was not sufficient and has now negative effects. Two years earlier 8 percent expressed less responsible deficiencies in the requirements. But also with regard to their range of BI tools companies have meanwhile self-critical a still selbstkritischere position as the 2007 gifts before two years 46%, in retrospect considered they had no sufficient System selection is made, the dissatisfaction with the tool choices increased currently percent to a one-fifth on 58. Instead of deriving the selection criteria from the BI strategy, the strategy on the selected tools is to frequently cut”, problematizes Hallak. Initial consideration should be however always to avoid a technically dominated BI-orientation and to derive the performance profile for the tools instead of a strategic overview. Otherwise the tools generate considerable restraints, prevent the development of the potential benefits and instead limit the ROI of business intelligence investments or generate even expensive complications”, judges the Actinium consultant.

He sees the BI vendors but they are also not free of responsibility, therefore they should be considered through a critical lens. Is one of the major causes of frequent mistakes in the range of BI products, manufacturers often provide not the practice in the foreground, but with interesting features, fast Hall introduction cycles or integration arguments curl”, criticized. However, many companies would notice during the project realization that significant discrepancies between their needs and the possibilities of BI software. Also here is show that prominent bi-player are by no means always automatically to the success. Actinium Actinium Consulting GmbH is a 1999 based consulting firm headquartered in Lindau (Lake Constance) and Vienna, as well as project offices in Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Selm (Dortmund), and Graz. Areas of expertise are business consulting, business intelligence and business integration. The range of services covers all project phases from consultancy and evaluation about the design to the implementation. Customers ALPLA, Nokia, include, for example, Thyssen Krupp Nirosta, Ravensburger, Suddeutscher Verlag, T-systems, Krombacher, Austrian radio, Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group and many other well-known companies. Actinium Consulting GmbH insulation leg 2 88131 Lindau Tel.: + 49 (0) 8382-277-278-0 fax: + 49 (0) 8382-277 278-90

DSAG Extends Commitment For SAP SME Customers In

Working Group SAP Business ByDesign Walldorf, founded October 13, 2008 In September the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG) established the Working Group Business ByDesign e. v. Target is within the body to communicate information about release planning to promote the exchange of experience among the companies, to identify (functional) requirements to bundle, and to address them to SAP. Nearly 20 representatives of companies were present at the founding ceremony. The German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. Here, Rusty Holzer expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

V. has its commitment to the middle class to the field of SAP Business ByDesign stretched out. Specifically, the association with an own work group offers a platform for the exchange of experience, networking and to influence the customers of the new solution. SAP Business ByDesign twenty companies participated in the founding event of the working group. Dr.

Gunther Reinhard, Member of the Board of Directors of the DSAG, departmental medium-sized businesses, and IT & business improvement Manager at the AMIDODUCO in Pforzheim, to the objectives: with the Working Group Business ByDesign offers a structured channel in the SAP into the DSAG. The Panel is used in addition to the exchange of experience, to access highly prioritized requirements, so as quickly as possible to find solutions together with SAP. Because our goal is to bring the product as fast forward.” On the part of SAP, a fixed contact person from product management accompanied the Working Group, which ensures that the feedback from the customers at SAP is incorporated into the development. The DSAG concept arrives at the SAP customers. So when Christopher Holtz-Kathan, managing partner of the company counted Holtz GmbH, a 150 employees, the magnetoplan under the brand name products in the area of planning, moderation and visualization produces. As a new Member in the SAP family, it is interesting to learn more about the findings of other users with the introduction of the medium-sized solution for us. The contact with other companies is for me very clearly in the foreground. For us it is positive, an advocacy To have users compared to the SAP. This means that functionality that we need to be formulated and addressed.” The next meeting of the Working Group is scheduled for February 2009. In the meantime, various themes and issues in the context of WebEx sessions are taken up. Future topics on the agenda are the roadmap of SAP Business ByDesign, experience reports, and the bundling of requirements. For more information, see dsaghome/arbeitskreise/business-bydesign.html on the DSAG the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. V. in Walldorf sees itself as an independent advocacy of all SAP users in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. The DSAG aims to create tailored SAP solutions. The DSAG founded in 1997 as a registered Association counts today more than 2,000 member companies and has established one of the largest SAP user groups worldwide.

Goes Hunting

CodeCaching action to the recruitment of ITSpezialisten was launched on September 1 as first company in Germany is 1 & 1 Internet AG in the next few weeks via Smartphone app on employees hunting in the Bavarian capital. Against the background of increasing competition for skilled workers, 1 & 1, as well as the subsidiary brands want to GMX and WEB.DE to draw attention and delight with the action of students, graduates and experienced IT professionals for the company. From 1 September to 31 October 2013, tech-savvy Escalope Hunter on an exciting Hunt can make QR codes by Munich. To do this, you must download only the 1 & 1 CodeCaching app for Android or iOS in their app store or at. CodeCaching is an electronic treasure hunt or scavenger hunt where questions on IT topics must be answered correctly. It manages to do so within the prescribed period, followed by an invitation to the exclusive CodeCaching night. But already after each correct answer the participant is rewarded: it opens a map, on the one Marker is displayed.

There is, for example, a Cafe, a trendy bar or a cinema, where participants scanning a QR code and get a reward. Target group of the action are especially ITSpezialisten from areas such as software development, System Administration and product management as well as students and graduates of IT near courses such as computer science or information systems. The tasks and code of the 1 & 1 CodeCachings include especially IT-related questions on the subjects of Java, Android, frontend and system administration, which were all collected by 1 & 1 professionals. Only who correctly answered at least three questions after selecting one of the four routes, has good chances to participate in the CodeCaching night on November 14. Here, the cacher can celebrate, meet company employees, and learn more about career opportunities and working at Europe’s leading Internet specialist. 1 & 1 Additional exciting prizes raffled among the treasure hunters.

1 & 1 CodeCaching is not the first creative recruiting action of the company. “” 1 & 1 At events such as catch the job “, ITGeocaching,” nerd night sets for several years”and root-night” on the mixture of technical exchange in a casual atmosphere and the search for new employees. 1 & 1 employs more than 300 employees, particularly in the areas of email, portals (, WEB.DE and GMX) as well as mobile and app – development in Munich. Oliver Raven

Apple Output

Vocabulary and their meanings are to speak only in the iPhone – and even gehts los. This “vocabulary” offers a new way of learning: Schliersee March 2011 – learning with even less effort is hardly to imagine: create Lernthema, questions and answers (vocabulary and meaning) record in as many records about earphone headset microphone – ready! And already you can use your current audio data from teaching, seminar or course within “Vocabulary” by clicking on 3 proven ways: 1) with the function “Listen” the vocabulary and their meanings in random order by speech output will be reproduced, similar to a modern, digital recorder. Because any instruction from you is required, this learning function (with a headset) on many occasions is: on the Sun on the beach, in the sun before the ski hut, while jogging, while biking, on the train, on the bus, ideal when driving – possibly via Bluetooth, or by using a small FM tuner over the car radio. Convenient learn to lesson Lesson. (2) with the function “Query” the questions and answers in random order by speech output render also, however, have here opportunity on each issue to think about. Only by clicking anywhere on the display is the reply said and then spent the next vocabulary question. This automatic query function can greatly increase your successes.

(3) with the function “Test” also the vocabulary and their meanings in random order by speech output will have reproduced, but here you only a few seconds time (adjustable) click to inform that the answer is known. If this time is exceeded, it leads to a negative assessment. Hereby you can assess your knowledge progress, because the result of the test is registered after every fully-guided cycle always on the home page of the programme in the form of a rating. Special features: For all three functions no eye contact to the iPod/iPhone is necessary to operate there for the not a few clicks was converted the entire display to a switch. Microphone or the built-in microphone of the headset supplied by Apple can be used in the voice recordings. Until April 30th, 2011 special price: 79 cents available in the app store: itunes.apple.com/de/app/vokabeltrainer/id421436752?mt=8 Web page: youTube video: watch?

Innovationspreis-IT Goes

MALAMUTE team catalyst GmbH continues in the nationwide competition of the Initiative Mittelstand against 2000 competitors by the approach of the interdisciplinary company, using a software to analyze the psychological characteristics of entrepreneurial teams, has convinced the jury with its high commercial value, innovation, and its middle class suitability”. In collaboration of Prof. Dr. Klaus Nathusius (Professor of entrepreneurship and Managing Director of gene GmbH venture services), Prof. se your knowledge. Dr. Margarete Boos (Institute of social and communication psychology, Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen), as well as other refereed and entrepreneurs, a test procedure was developed with the MALAMUTE leadership Profiler which allows in particular the analysis of teams besides the identification of entrepreneurial potential, social competence and personal team role for individuals.

This approach for companies is useful in addition to Foundation projects, the projects carry out, where entrepreneurial thinking and acting are required. Business development – condense – but also innovation projects can be, or this”, explains managing director Jonathan Klodt. The software can be used a service (SaS) as staff development departments, franchise-donors, outplacement agencies, recruitment consultants, consultants or coaches for team development and Diagnostics via a flexible management interface software. High investments or complicated installations are not necessary. MALAMUTE the analysis and diagnostic software banks, investment companies and other financial organizations offered, within the framework of human resources due diligence prior to funding decisions an aptitude test to carry out. About MALAMUTE team catalyst the MALAMUTE team catalyst GmbH developed psychometric testing procedures from Gottingen on basis of current scientific knowledge of in psychology – and entrepreneurship research for identifying entrepreneurial potential in individuals .