Tag Archive for fitness & workouts

Skin Disease: Lice Are Coming

More and more children get head lice from the school or kindergarten with one of the problems, on which push our children today are head lice. An occasional itch may be the first sign, if the itch is persistent getting head lice are suspected. While head lice biology are very simple but effective parasites. The small 2-3 of mm large insects live on human blood, which she several times daily fresh suck blood from the scalp with a proboscis. This happens mostly unnoticed. Go to

Wash through hair lice are not affected. It’s more the contact in community facilities, which makes it easier to skip the head lice. Head lice have no wings, this is accomplished by crawling, in rare cases also by objects such as hair brushes or head documents. To determine whether you have head lice, is easy if you know where to look. Nits, nymphs and adult lice are most commonly found on hairs located on the scalp, ears and the back of the neck. On rare occasions, it can also on the body, found on the eyelashes or eyebrows be.