Start DietGourmet

Eating well is not only a pleasure, it is also an obligation. Food is our source of energy and health, and depending on what you eat, we achieve an optimal state of physical and mental development or we enfermaremos. Our habits have changed and our daily life has reduced the time that we have to eat, buy food or cooking them. However, good nutrition, it is now more important that ever, because in addition to nourish us should help us to prevent and treat many diseases. So since DietGourmet is committed to a plan of diets made based on current concepts of Mediterranean cuisine, balanced and varied. Menus that are prepared in minutes and have been manufactured according to the international recommendations of energy requirements and adapted to each particular case at home, without having to lose time when you go to buy or cook food. In addition, those who choose this formula of maintenance also seek professional advice when it comes to let yourself be advised when their health is what It is at stake. For this reason, DietGourmet advocates for counseling with his team of nutritionists headed by Dr.

Susana Monereo. There are too many people that either can’t cook, or do not have the time needed to prepare varied and nutritional dishes. At the end they prefer by always eating the same thing or fast food. To solve this DietGourmet, an original idea that combines diet, is born which means nutritional benefit, and Gourmet, since cooking with exquisite features with sophisticated recipes and be the richest possible, explains Marisela Salas, creator of the concept in Spain. DietGourmet prepares their dishes with fresh food, quality, following a packed and cooked extremely careful process, known as the Quinta range an alternative future which, with the help of his team’s doctor, exceeds nutritional imbalances of fast food. Fifth range products have a shelf life of 40 days approximately depending on the product, kept refrigerated, ready to consume and what is more important, they keep all their nutritious properties intact. DietGourmet is a novel concept of restoration at home that has triumphed in other countries of the world and brought to Spain being the only company with similar characteristics that is backed by the catering sector experts and professionals of health and nutrition. DietGourmet dishes are made with fresh food, without colorants and preservatives, with Virgin olive oil and natural seasonings typical of the Mediterranean diet. (Source: Barbara Martin Coppola). So the Plan of healthy food that offers this company is ideal for those people who want to lose or control their weight, maintain a healthy and balanced diet or have little time to cook and like to eat well.

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