You feel that you have tried of everything to become thin and nothing works to you? You think that you are arranged to try any thing to lower of weight? If you are thinking about using amphetamines to become thin, pinsalo again! The amphetamines have an interesting antecedent. They were very popular during the years " 50, " 60 and " 70, since they were " medicamento" accessible without medical prescription that it had not only properties energetics, but the capacity to make the individual lose the appetite, forcing it to lower of weight of accelerated form and carries far. It is necessary to clarify that All the amphetamines are synthetic drugs, without concerning the amount in which they interfere, are highly addictive. Several types of amphetamines, some examples exist: the Dexidrina (dextroanfetamina) is the one of that they can be prescribed by doctors, or metilanfetamina (well-known only like metanfetamina). Additional information at Maida Vale supports this article. Anyone of them causes the same stimulating effect in the central nervous system, getting to bring about psicticos symptoms (hallucinations, for example). This cause damage in the brain, damaging permanently areas of the weave in which the motivation, sense of reward and behavior are involved, reason why once your body begins " to need them for funcionar" , all these areas of your life are affected, for example, losing the control on your humor and your reactions before estresantes situations. This is the main reason for which the amphetamines to become thin are not a good idea. The tablets to become thin that they contained amphetamines were retired of the market due indeed to the physiological damages and the addiction that they cause and little the safe thing that they are, among other things, mainly increase the heart rate and the sanguineous pressure, which can be extremely detrimental, in people who suffer of obesity and they already present/display tendencies to suffer diseases of the heart, reason why the amphetamines can be even lethal.