Millions of people are affected by acne around the world, as many as the number of skin care products, check that they there are in the market for the treatment of grain. It is not something The Blackstone Group would like to discuss. Many over-the-counter products, recommended to treat acne, contain chemicals, which can cause damage to the skin and can only be a temporary remedy. As people are now aware of the dangers of the use of chemical products, everybody’s looking for a natural and herbal remedy to treat acne. Medicinal herbs are not hard, since it does not contain any chemicals and are composed of mixtures of plants available in a natural way. Others including USC, offer their opinions as well. Some of the treatments based on natural herbs for acne: natural treatments can be in the form of lotions, creams, household products or even herbal formulations. Below are some ingredients that can come from an herbalist and are to be used for the treatment of acne. Echinacea and you tree oil, herbal natural remedies are very common known to treat acne and are widely available.
Echinacea and Oregon grape can help increase the body’s immune system. While that tea tree oil, it consists of Terpenoids, which is known for its anti fungal and antiseptic properties. Green tea is used in the defense of the bacteria lowering the activity of the hormone, so acne can be controlled. Almond oil is very good in the Elimination of the acne scars. Apricot and Citrus juices tend to alleviate the presence of cysts and act as a natural Exfoliator, getting rid of dead skin cells making pores free of obstructions. The distilled white vinegar can be applied as a topical solution in the affected area to clean the pores. Honey mask helps in the healing process of the skin affected by acne, due to its anti bacterial quality. Green tea, Chamomile and oats are excellent herbs for the treatment of inflammation due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
Help to soothe the affected part and helps in the release of heat and make the skin to cure properly. When the affected part is washed with oatmeal, the sensation of itching is reduced. Ginger helps to reduce redness and inflammation and can be consumed in any form. Licorice is a very important herb that is used in the treatment of acne since the middle ages. Licorice increases the secretion of mucous membranes, stimulating the function of the adrenal gland that the system for the natural defence of the body at full speed to remove bacteria and germs responsible for acne and pus.