Medicine Kit

They are absolutely essential: Gauze (to realise cleaning of wounded and covering them so that they do not become infected) Cotton (to surround a previous fracture to the bandage and that this does not tighten) Bandage of 5, 7, 10 cm. (to bandage wounds, of extremities or thorax and to immobilize fractures with the aid of the cotton and sticky tape) sticky Tape (Useful at any moment) Bottle with sugar (it acts as healing) Iodized Solution (disinfectant) oxygenated Water of 10 volumes (useful to cause I vomit in case of ingesting strange poisons or bodies previous authorization of the veterinarian) Brush of soft bristles (to clean wounded) Scissors (to cut to bandage gauzes or fabrics in order to make a treatment) Muzzle or bow (to avoid wasted) Tranquilizer in drops (to before consult our veterinarian) Liquid or lotions to fight Antihistamine fleas and garrapatas (if the animal is sensible to the poles of certain insects) But tips in original Author and source of the article.. People such as muscular dystrophy would likely agree. . .

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