Enfermeiras Obstetras

This reorganization of identity can scare and cause behavior alterations. With the presence of a companion for chosen it, the gestante will keep its ties affective, exactly meeting interned. Of -, therefore importance of the companion of its exempts choice. The accompaniment forms have varied according to social and historical context, being modulated from different cultural values. It was only with the advent of the hospital childbirth that the woman passed to be moved away from its half of its beings wanted during this event. In this environment, many women had started to associate the experience of the childbirth to the isolation feeling and abandonment.

Diverse research indicates that the absence of emotional support intervenes with the physiology of the childbirth, being that scientific evidences designate that the companion presence contributes for the improvement of the pointers of health and well-being of the mother and the just-been born one, as we find in publication of the National Net Feminist of Health (2002, p.21), where is registered that: The companion presence increases the satisfaction of the woman and significantly reduces the percentage of Caesarean, the duration of the childbirth work, the use of analgesia/anesthesia and ocitocina (to hurry the childbirth) and the time of hospitalization of just-been born … Such evidences had made with that the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) recommended, in the Conference on Appropriate Technologies for the Birth and Childbirth in 1985, the companion presence during the childbirth. Concomitant to such recommendation a campaign to the right to a companion of choice of the woman in labor through the Net for the Humanizao of the Birth was initiated (ReHuNa). In May of 2000, in So Paulo, the campaign launched for the ReHuNa starts to receive the support from the National Net Feminist of Health, Reproductive Sexual and Right Rights, of the Brazilian Association of Obstetrizes and Enfermeiras Obstetras and of the Union of the Popular Movements of health of So Paulo.

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