Development Company

I think we still have a small decline in a misleading line-up for this rally. Recall that there are still missing there are some assets that are overvalued, which could produce the so-called financial bubbles especially in emerging markets. I think the market will continue recovering testamentary, but will have a fall than another and will continue with many ups and downs throughout 2010. In my opinion the actions that offer less risk and are quite segueing are the large-cap companies. Since September the worst sector was financial, while others performed acceptably. The micro – enterprises did not have great performances, while large-cap companies were those that had a relatively positive performance and fairly regular. The financial sector was undoubtedly the hardest hit sector, but I think beyond the big debts to the U.S. government who have had banks like Citigroup will start to grow very slowly.

So I think that is an area for further study, but I recommend you invest at the moment but not to miss small opportunities that may arise. Now I want to comment on some actions that I studied. One company that I found very interesting was MGC Capital Corp and currently has a lower value aa real value in calls BDCs (buisness Development Company). Currently this company is not paying dividends, obviously that is a drawback but is restructuring its dividend policy for 2010. Dividend policy they seek applications beyond 2010 is to increase year after year.

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