Brazilian Intellectuality

The Brazilian intellectuality of 1920 the 1940 Josiane of the Favours Adornment It excites us the interest, a priori, for what they are the intellectuals? Who is these people who for getting a knowledge legalized and with more depth, in special way, on the society in its scope economic politician and, lead obtain the mark of the intellectuality? still, why very of these individuals almost always is imagined as the spokesmen of a society extremely varied in its composition of social classrooms and social groups? Then, in aluso what possibly a person layperson interested for the subject would look for on a definition of what would be this intellectual term or intellectuality we would start then for describing the conclusion of a dictionary of the Portuguese language that says in them: ' ' Intellectuality: relative to the intellect, said people who are more rational of what emotional, people who if dedicate the related things to intelecto' '. With these definitions, little enlightening, it is truth well, we will make our starting point to approach a subject that will have as endorsement the book of Daniel Pcaut (1989), the Intellectuals and the politics in Brazil (Between the people and the Nation), in specific way of its introduction extending until where the author approaches the types of enrollment politician (described until page seventy and four). Preventive Medicine Research Institute oftentimes addresses this issue. Although the author to work more of form generalized the intellectuals of Brazil, in the reality it treats almost that exclusively of the natives of So Paulo of the Cariocas and miners and he does not cite the intellectuals of other regions, except, as it justifies, if these if found installed in one of these three cited localization (So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Belo Horizonte). Many Brazilian intellectuals, assuming itself more enabled to display and to solve the problems of the society, had added to its image a privileged prominence as if they were uncommon citizens, that is, citizens who do not possess a social classroom and/or one distinct position inside of this classroom. Professor Roy Taylor recognizes the significance of this.

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