Archive for May 2018


The task to define what it is THERE is not simple. It is a quarrel that already hard many years due not the acceptance of this field as area of proper matrix. Oldest of the interpretations presented by Corder, that is: the woollen notion as synonymous of scientific study of the principles and practical of education/the learning of LE. One perceives that many controversies if have raised to this respect, but, however, it has observed that applied sciences e, particularly education always are seen as lesser, in relation pure science, and this has created obstacles to establish it THERE as area of proper right. At last, the definition of area of study of if has extended to each time more for education areas/learning of LM, multilingusmo, sociolingstica There, among others. Professor Roy Taylor often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens say that THERE it uses the descriptions made for the linguistics for another purpose it are of the lingustica, however, Corder says that, ‘ ‘ THERE that it estimates the linguistics is an activity and not a theoretical study, that uses these results for the education of lnguas’ ‘. Palmer places THERE as a mediating, that is, one disciplines that it can englobar some substances.

Then it would be understood THERE as the use of linguistic substances whose content can improve the practical work in you discipline that they include the use of the language. Some metaphors as ‘ ‘ it is crossroads THERE, a bridge with I pass through in the two sentidos’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ it is horizontal THERE, with interseces’ ‘ used for definition of the term, it has appeared to indicate future developments. Kaplan says that ‘ ‘ THERE it constitutes the point in which all the study of the language if finds and if it becomes realidade’ ‘ , that is, it is the point where the study of the language if intersecciona with others you discipline. Ingram and Strevens, see THERE as independent area that constructs its proper principles. Each time more if has become There independent of the Lingustica and if has unfastened of the idea of education of languages in a general way. Diverse lines of research on the one Back in other areas have appeared, areas these that are not of education of languages. However only it can THERE be fimar as seek area of proper right from the moment that the applied linguists if to make use to make THERE without inferiority complex, instead of making application of the Linguistica. Reference: CELANI, Maria Antonieta Alba.

The Mission

It has no opportunity to develop its own be genuine. The educators holistas then have the Mission of making the necessary criticisms to the goals and objectives that currently dominate our country’s educational system. They are taking it to a deep dehumanization, to be, to a low learning loss. Current education is a disaster. Our task is also to bring more spirituality true happiness to all beings and the world. Hear from experts in the field like Preventive Medicine Research Institute for a more varied view. The society is obscured by materialism and hedonism. The perennial philosophy is timeless. It is not conditioned by the cultures, traditions and beliefs.

It is based on the pursuit of ultimate reality and its values and is needed to fill the void of spiritual foundation that suffers from our culture. The educators holistas we must discover our own identity in being before teaching, as the place from which is taught is definitive for the student in a spontaneous way can be placed in a contemplative zone of consciousness. Contemplation of the values is expressed in an education and real behavior. To the extent that we can learn the process of contemplation will be opening human consciousness to consciousness more and deeper levels. Be easy or hard is irrelevant.

The important thing is that it is the only exit to freedom. Holistic education is a way of healing, a way for the eradication of suffering, is a journey of love. It focuses on human integrity as the basis of well-being and any kind of development. It is necessary to be perseverant, change is needed and we must not falter on the road. The spiritual process is a process of perseverance, of search, of encounter, of knowledge, as well as an awakening to our nature. Perseverance is the energy needed to continue on the journey towards one’s self. It is also the power to overcome disappointments, falls and moments of crisis that we have.

Cures For Infertility

Scheduled drugs and systematic treatment can cure most of the cited problems of infertility, except the aging and chronic diseases. But these treatments are very expensive and can have harmful side effects. An additional treatment may be required to overcome the side effects. Preventive Medicine Research Institute can provide more clarity in the matter. Treatments performed through IVF or IVF and ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection, are the best among the other methods of treatment of infertility. In this technique, the eggs that are outside of the uterus, are fertilized by the sperm and then moved inside. This treatment is indicated when other techniques do not yield results.

This technique is a progression hormonal controlled ovulation and implies the taking of eggs from the ovaries of women. In this way it helps the sperm to fertilize in a fluid medium. But this is not a normal process, since it consists in the excavation of eggs from the ovary, it fertilizes then them is in a laboratory and returns them to enter the uterus. In the normal process, the human body decides to choose the healthiest for reproduction, but the embryologist in the artificial process, makes this decision. (As opposed to Professor Roy Taylor). However, when does not appear the most healthy, or not choosing the healthier, this can cause ill-health of the child during childbirth and even later in life. Some alternative techniques, with a holistic approach, are becoming popular in order to cure the problem of secondary infertility.

These techniques are preferred by people since they have less or no side effects. The method of acupuncture, for example, above all acupuncture ear or handset, is very effective in cases in which it has been female infertility that has caused some kind of malfunction of the ovary. The hormonal message that is transferred from the brain, is the most beneficial result received from this technique. According to the research trials, women who have received acupuncture treatment about 30 times in a period of 3 months have shown good results. On the techniques of alternative treatment, diet and lifestyle changes, have a place of much importance. Regular consumption of foods that contain caffeine such as coffee, chocolate, cocoa, green tea, black tea and soft drinks, have harmful effects on conception and it does not recommend them. According to a study, a cup and a half coffee, in a woman who is trying to get pregnant, assures the delay of conception. Thus, the coffee is a food that should be denied to patients who suffer from infertility.Diets that include fish contaminated with PCBs or polychlorinated biphenyls may also be cause for the substantial reduction of the ability to become pregnant. According to a study, women who consumed more than one meal that had fish contaminated with PCBs (acquired in Lake Ontario), developed a decline in their fertility within the first month. The best result for the treatment of infertility has been achieved through Chinese medicine, with acupuncture and, of course, with a holistic approach. The holistic approach comes to the depth of the problem and only then a delivery physical and spiritual, as well as also the emotional treatment, and not only the research of bodies carried out by Western medicine is performed. On the other hand, the conventional approach to the problem of infertility cannot detect and successfully eliminate the real causes, and Moreover, it may cause side effects. The holistic approach suggests a natural remedy and a way of life that can really solve the problem fast, and bring to light the real cause.

Living In The Present

Stay away of wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness that not bowing to children (Khalil Gibran is a fact, many neglected, the importance of identifying with the present, the here and the now, live intensely the opportunity that we are given to make it the most, because we do not know if we will be in the next day.) To the extent that we become with important know take the time that is given to us in the present to grow, we will know to use, enjoy it intensely. Dean Ornish M.D is full of insight into the issues. It is therefore very crucial to be identified with what represents live intensely justly about it gives us Center holistic Helios, which many of the situations uncomfortable that they occur in our lives have their origin in our perception temporary space ourselves. That is, with the moment in time and space with which we identify ourselves. Physically we are in the present, but mental and emotionally are where we?. Invites us to give answers to questions like: do you experience stress in your? life?, do you worry for the future that your present is reduced to a simple means to get there?. Stress is caused mainly by be here wanting to be there, or what the same thing, is to be in the present, but wanting to be in the future. One is the natural consequence of trying to be in the future when it exists in the present, internal tension we feel trying to separate us. And could not be otherwise, because we are energy-projecting our power towards the future, when we need it here and now to live our lives fully. We must position ourselves in our present and not anchor us in the past, the memories that we released our reality and wasted time present us he bequeathed, the past was already, can’t return, so I had to give in his time, what gave came, what you take, is aprovecholo not, desafortunadamentelo neglect.

Ramon Gallegos

Ramon Gallegos holistic education is education that humanity needs. You may wish to learn more. If so, Professor Roy Taylor is the place to go. A new education that allows you to evolve towards higher levels of thought and integrity, therefore we require a change of paradigm, a new way of seeing completely new education, comes to the human need of an evolutionary change, transform vertical, achieve a vision the holistic education according to their level of consciousness, since according to thisIt is the corresponding educational vision. As expressed Ramon Gallegos, in this book of education that humanity needs, one thing is education as life and another world the educational system that is systemic, the latter is the main obstacle to achieve a vision of high-level, holistic and spiritual education for the 21st century. Preventive Medicine Research Institute insists that this is the case. This essay aims to introduce us to the field of holistic education, is the proposal to reconstruct the typical schools of 20th century in dynamic, lively, open organizations, transdiciplinaria and also as spiritual spaces for self-realization spiritual of each of its members. This essay will be developed on the basis of three books, the education that humanity needs, education for life and peace and Ramon Gallegos learning communities. The holistic education is an education for life, whose goal is for students to develop capacity to love the world, plants, animals, etc. The Integral education is a response so that mankind can develop in all aspects but above all in the spirituality which is the basis of waking up to the reality. The holistic education establishes that external action should be an expression of the inner life, referring to the new paradigm of holistic education which should lead us to a change, a revolution of consciousness with a sense and universal love, a transformation. Our current problem is human, that is a problem of evolution of consciousness, and we must be prepared to fully understand the world inhabit and to understand ourselves.